Trying Something New…



I will admit, for almost 20 years now I have been a cruise junkie. Small ships, large ships, floating cities… you name it, Ill try it.  (ok.. maybe not the whole cargo ship idea…)

Anyway –

I was really excited at the opportunity of doing a river cruise. This  flavor of voyage has been on my radar for awhile and has taken off in popularity in the recent decade. The ships are like floating boutique hotels that work their way up inland waterways visiting the cities and towns that grew up near the waters edge. As a history buff, this is intriguing to me to see more of the local flair of a country.

I received my documents a few days ago and plan to dive in to till the tips and info as I wait for the laundry cycle and get prepped to start the all important packing process.

Day one starts soon from the city of lights – Paris. I’m looking forward to sharing the experice and if the connections are good, I may even try to periscope from various places along the way.


Beci Mahnken is Chief Magic Maker at MEI-Travel & Mouse Fan Travel. With more than 23 years in the travel biz, she is a frequent guest on many travel and Disney community podcasts including WDW Radio, and partners with other great travel creators like, and She was recognized by Travel + Leisure magazine as the Super A-List Agent for Disney travel and serves on their Earmarked Advisory Board. Beci has long worked with the Disney fan community to help support fan efforts and create high-profile events and has a passion for supporting deserving charities with a special emphasis on animal welfare efforts. She has a love for exploring history, ocean cruising, and river cruising and served on advisory boards for the prestigious GTM event and TravelAge West Magazine. Beci's dedicated to her craft of sharing the magic of travel with anyone who will listen.

Discussion3 Comments

  1. I did a Rhine cruise last summer and loved it! You are right in saying you get a great feel for the towns you pass through. And you always have something to look at while you are sunning yourself on the deck.

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