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A Daughters Memory of her Daddy
My dad – he would have been 100 years old today. I selected this picture, even with all its early 90’s film flaws, because this was his happiest moment after his Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) diagnosis. It was his 70th birthday party – a surprise party. He didn’t know his friends were waiting in a restaurant in Leavenworth, WA, and→

Happy, Thanks & Giving
Up early, as I usually am these days, getting some to-dos done- even though I shouldn’t be working. (do as I say, not as I do LOL) But I had to stop and reflect on this day.I loved the debate about when Christmas decorations should go up earlier this month as its my personal tradition to let my Christmas begin→

Is The $5000 Kaiburr Crystal Cocktail Worth It?
Let’s just cut to the chase. $5000 is a lot of money and it’s hard to justify spending that kind of cash on anything, let alone a cocktail…. or even four. But the purchase on the infamous Kaiburr Crystal onboard the Disney Wish is much more than just an adult beverage wrapped in a camtono (ie…a 70’s ice cream machine→

Updated Valet Process At One Disney Resort
There is a new valet process at one of the Disney Resorts! When I arrived at Disney’s Coronado Springs the valet handed me the ticket with an additional card stapled to the back. It describes the process to text a message to retrieve your car. I tried it today and it works incredibly well!! I received a text back with→

A New Disney Cruise Perk for Concierge Guests
A Disney Cruise Line vacation is a very unique experience with all the magic and charm you would expect from the brand, but Disney is taking steps to increase the value of booking their concierge-level staterooms. On my recent sailing onboard the Disney Dream, the concierge cast members let me know of a brand new perk they are trying onboard→

A Few Lessons & Reflection on Survival
2020. The year that was supposed to be many things. A field day for optometrists who needed a better marketing plan, an extension of the best year yet in the travel industry, the beginning of a new decade bringing hope and a new outlook for those who needed a new starting line, and a crazy busy year of work travel→

I Was on a Mountain… 40 Years Ago Today
With morning cup of coffee in hand… the local news just reminded me that 40 years ago today, I was taught a lesson that as much as I thought differently…. I was not invincible. The morning of May 18. 1980… I woke up to what I thought was the sound of thunder. It was my first teenage camping trip with→

Some of My Favorite Things … Disney Holiday Merch
From themed ears, to (not so ugly) sweaters, to festive pins, mugs and bags, our beloved elves certainly know how to help you deck your halls Disney style! Here are just a few of my favorites I found during my visit to Walt Disney World. I am hoping a few of these make their way under my tree Christmas morning.→