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Rise of the Resistance – My (mostly) Spoiler Free Take
Now that more guests have had a chance to experience (in person or virtually) the crown jewel to an already sparkling array of experiences at Star Wars: Galaxys Edge, I wanted to add my take to the chorus regarding Rise of the Resistance and include a few pics that I have already seen splashed all over the interwebs. Admittedly, I→

What Thanksgiving Means to Me…
Waking up on Thanksgiving Day stirs immediate thoughts of … did I remember everything I need for dinner? to – did I oversleep and miss the parade? to- I wonder where the Christmas decorations are….. However, as I wipe the sleep from my eyes and remember my awesome husband did a late night run to the store last night for→

I’ve Got You… aka Ordinary People Can Change… Everything.
As I get older I like to think of myself as a bit more wise as I managed to gather nuggets of wisdom as the years pass. The kind of person who learned her lessons early enough in life so that I’m confident I can pass down said nuggets on how to avoid pitfalls to others growing up in this→

I opened my eyes this morning and saw the bathroom door was closed and I heard the shower running knowing my husband managed to get up before me – which is rare. The tv in the bedroom was on and the morning show was talking about how a plane hit the NYC icon. As i emerged from that place between→

For the Star Wars Fan Who Has Everything…
Black Spire Outpost has a lot of options for those looking for a gift a bring home for their loved ones. But if you have a true Star Wars fan who has everything, I may have just the ticket for you… and you don’t have to worry about if you can fit it in an overhead bin! Head over to→

Don’t Leave for Batuu Without This…
Before you leave on your journey to the Black Spire Outpost on Batuu, there is one item you need to make sure you pack. While they have pretty much everything you may need available from the various merchants…. Food, beverages, toys, weapons and even a variety of clothing, they seem to have forgotten to transport any means of recharging those→

Yes – There Is An App For That
Whats the burning question for every Marvel fan on the planet today? (don’t worry – I haven’t see it yet so I’m not about to comment on any spoilers …) its actually — Wait.. what? 3 hours long? When do I get to go to the bathroom? If the thought of having to turn down popcorn and your favorite beverage→

Legacy of the Walk Around the World Bricks – One Girl’s Story
Just a few days ago I read Disney is moving forward with a plan to remove and destroy the Walk Around the World Bricks in Disney World. I’ve purchased several over the years and while I agreed, via the purchase contract, the brick would only be guaranteed to be displayed 10 years or through 2011, it was a sad moment→