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Avalon Waterways – Day 6 – Conflans & Cuisine
Please pardon the pixie dust as I was a bit distracted by my day job the past 2 weeks, but its time to sit down and type out the final few days of this amazing river cruise. Day 6 found us on the journey back towards Paris. (ugh — is really almost over??) Today we made a stop in Conflans which→

Avalon Waterways – Day 5 – Rouen: Medieval Eye Candy
We returned from the Normandy Beaches the night before and was treated to a wonderful Normandy inspired dinner. (More in the food later…. I promise) As we indulged in the meal the Tapestry2 began sailing east towards the city of Rouen. We docked approx 11pm and woke up the next morning ready for an exciting day. Every cruise seems to feature→

Avalon Waterways – Day 4 / pt 2 – Operation Overlord & A Rose
The journey from Arromanches to our next destination was a bout 20 minutes or so. I had heard of the landing beaches of Omaha and Utah, but must admit I wasn’t fully aware of the importance that Pointe du Huc, just west of Omaha beach, and the Army Rangers played in Operation Overloard… ie the Battle of Normandy. Pointe du Hoc is a→

Avalon Waterways – Day 4 / pt 1 – History Appreciation & Mulberry Harbor
Personally, I am captivated by the opportunity to actually touch history. Its one thing to read the stories in history class or sit in a theater watching a Hollywood interpretation of what happened at a place, at a time on the calendar. This is why I travel. Travel requires you to get out from behind the screen or the printed page and→

Avalon Waterways – Day 3 – Caudebec & Abbey Road
Today we wake up in Caudebec in Normandy on the right bank of the river Seine. Walk down the ships gangway and you step right into a picturesque village with outdoor cafes and even a pharmacie (drugstore) just across the way if you need to buy sunscreen, toiletries, etc. Even their 14th century prison is welcoming. At the center of town is→

Avalon Waterways – Day 2 – Exploring Les Andelys
As if the relaxed atmosphere, laid-back pace and brilliantly designed staterooms weren’t enough to like about a river cruise with Avalon Waterways, there is something I really appreciate… many of the shore excursion options are included in the cruise price. There are some that can be arranged for an additional price, however for our 8 day adventure all of our→

A Stateroom That Converts to a Balcony
Ok.. Ill admit it, I like balconies. I like the breeze and the sounds of the water. I like relaxing and watching the world sail by while I hang out in jammies. No shoes or makeup required to get a great view cause you just roll out of bed and step out on your balcony. Or do you have to→

Avalon Waterways – Day 1 – Arriving in Paris & All Aboard!
Yup.. Im addicted to cruising. There is something about the open water, the sea breezes, the fact you can ice skate at sea in some cases…. and not to mention the fact you unpack once and your hotel travels with you. These draw me to this mode of travel. I have become rather comfortable with some of the things about→