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Pro Tip: Life Happens Even When You Travel
It has happened to me more than once… including this past weekend. You are away from home on business or vacation and you get that feeling. You know the one. It might be a slight dizziness, a twinge fatigue, a slight sore throat, or a stuffy nose that tells you to get ready to spend a day or two in→

Finally! It’s Epcot’s Turn to Get Ready for the Party
”Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.” – Walt Disney This is one of my favorite Walt quotes as it truly illustrates the understanding that everything had to evolve and change to remain entertaining and relevant. While its sad to see the familiar disappear from the park→

Everything’s Coming Up Purple!
Disney is not just about resorts, food and great attractions. Seems every season brings a new fashion “must have’ and the latest is all dressed in purple! Purple passion ears, bags, spirit shirts and more can be yours because they are currently available all around Walt Disney World. What do you think about the purple take over?→

I Voted Today and Why Its Important
I voted today – While I do not make it a habit of talking politics here (ie: this in no way is meant to spark any kind of debate – and comments that I feel are not in the spirit of the post will be deleted…) I simply feel its important to stand up and say that I am proud→

Its not just a theme park… Its ‘ohana
We all have them… people around us who display that look of amused disapproval when we proudly announce – “We are going back to Disney!”. Who can blame them really? There are thousands of amazing places to visit on this earth that are very deserving of our vacation time, attention and dollar. Even Disney themselves gets that, or we wouldn’t→

Travel Tip: It’s Just Different
So… Funny story and a #TravelTip on how to be a good guest in your host city or country. You know me. My taste in adult beverages tend to be a bit… colorful. The Tivoli Hotel bar in Copenhagen was about to close so I decided to keep the order simple. I asked for a fav nitecap for my sweet→

My Hope for a Rainbow Bridge
I’ve been reading today about the rainbow bridge. The poem written a few decades ago that describes a place where our departed furry friends go to play as they wait for us to join them. I’ll admit I’m a bit perplexed by tales from those who are skeptical of the concept and do not understand why it can be a→

A Little VooDoo… from the Pacific Northwest!
There’s one time that taking part in a little voodoo is a very good thing, and that’s when it comes to doughnuts. The original Voodoo Doughnut opened back in 2003 in Portland, OR and quickly built up a cult following for its unique doughnut flavors and designs, and eclectic shop decor. This spring, Universal CityWalk welcomed an all-new Voodoo Doughnut. Now I→